Hudson Byblow speaks about various aspects of the Catholic Faith in an engaging, personalized, and trauma-informed approach which has been formed by his own journey of coming home to the Catholic Church – the last place the world said he should ever look! He primarily speaks about the universal proposal from the Church to all people to strive to grow in the virtue of chastity (as it is understood by the Church), but he also speaks about other topics including healthy relationships, redemptive suffering, and the beautiful gifts proposed by the Church as found in partial and plenary indulgences.

Hudson has been a consultant/editor for 12 books and has garnered invitations to speak/consult for multiple Catholic organizations in North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia/Oceania. His 60 articles have appeared on National Catholic Register, Chastity Project, Ascension Press, One Peter Five, CRISIS Magazine, and Catholic World Report, among many other notable Catholic websites. He has also presented online for the Theology of the Body Institute and Pints with Aquinas conferences.

Today, Hudson presents at Clergy Study Days, Youth Conferences, Professional Educational Conferences, and other Catholic Conferences around North America, striving to share the peace, joy, hope, love, and freedom that he has found in Jesus Christ, alongside everything else he has learned along the way.



Mr. Byblow’s approach is informed by his own journey and ongoing conversion, and by his intellectual, human and spiritual formation. I am confident that Hudson is faithful in presenting the fullness of the Church’s teaching in these areas and that his presentations will be of great benefit to his audiences.” – Most Reverend Mark A. Hagemoen, Bishop of Saskatoon


Mr. Byblow’s frank yet tempered approach to some of the most difficult topics facing our youth today is an important part of dialogue and witness so needed by our church on matters including chastity, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, and contemporary gender issues.” – Archbishop Donald Bolen of Regina, Canada